HomeHeader17-year old Nodirbek Abdusattorov is the new Rapid World Champion

17-year old Nodirbek Abdusattorov is the new Rapid World Champion

The 2021 Open World Rapid Championship ended with the 17-year-old Uzbeki GM, Nodirbek Abdusattorov, defeating the 2021 Challenger Ian Nepomniachtchi in the tiebreak, and taking the crown from the World Champion Magnus Carlsen.

Photos: Anna Shtourman and Mark Livshitz (FIDE)

On the first round of the final day of the 2021 Open Rapid Championship, Carlsen was a half-point ahead, giving Abdusattorov the space to take the lead. Their game was very exciting to watch, with the World Champion showing once again his great endgame technique, but a wrong plan on move 81 cost him the game.

Although his remarkable win against the World Champion in classical, rapid and blitz chess, Abdusattorov stayed calm, humble, and concentrated, qualities that he absolutely needed for his game against Gukesh. Their game was literally insane, with winning opportunities for both players, and Abdusattorov preventing the worst and winning a draw.

The 9.5/13 points won Abdusattorov a place in the blitz tiebreaks against Nepo. It is the second time in a short timeframe that the Russian GM fought for a World title, but he failed to conquer it.https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-

Starting with Black, Abdusattorov managed to hold tight in a worse position and “steal” a draw from Nepo. In the second game though that the Uzbeki GM was white, he took the chance to strike back and achieve the very-much-wanted victory.

GM Nordibek Abdusattorov definitely had a fascinating tournament, defeating some of the strongest players in the world with this tournament, and dethroning Carlsen, at least from the Rapid Championship!

The event in Warsaw continues with the World Blitz Championship taking place on the 29th and the 30th of December.Tweet


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